Rueda de Bullerengue (2017, Names You Can Trust)
Bulla en el Barrio is a group that aims to share the traditions, experiences, and lives of the Colombian cantadoras from the regions of Uraba, Cordoba, Bolivar, and Atlantico.
The NYC born collective explores this afrocolombian music tradition through ruedas de bullerengue as a way to continue a learning process that started back in Baranquilla, Colombia. The group was born in an effort to open a space to explore at a deeper level the songs and the dances that are part of these traditions.
The group of over 12 active members all share a strong sense of connection to their roots - and consciousness of their ancestors. It is through the participation and love of this active membership that Bulla has become not only a creative space where musical ideas are shared, but also a space of integration and immigrant resistance. The group will be on tour in 2025 promoting their new album “VÁMONOS que nos VAMOS”.
"If you see Bulla, try to sit or stand as close to the drums as you can. You will feel it in your heart. You will feel it in your soul. And when you leave, you will be a little lighter than when you arrived. This is Bullerengue." — NEW YORK LATIN CULTURE
“The spectators might not have known the long history behind those lyrics and towns, but all happily danced along.” -okayafrica.